
A cataract occurs when, due to aging and UV damage, the natural lens in the eye becomes cloudy. Surgery is the only treatment available.

The surgeon will numb the eye (usually with drops) and after an injection to make you feel drowsy and relaxed, a small instrument is placed into the eye to suck out the cloudy lens. It is replaced with a lens implant (often eliminating the need for constant glasses wear).

The operation takes about 15 minutes. Drops to settle the inflammation are used for a few weeks following the surgery.

Blurred vision sometimes after cataract surgery

Blurred vision can sometimes occur about 6 months or more after surgery. This is usually due to the membrane behind the lens implant becoming a little cloudy. This can be removed just in the rooms with a special laser. It is a painless treatment and only takes a few minutes.


There are three main types of conjunctivitis in our western society:

  1. Viral (this causes bilateral “pink eye” and has a predominantly watery discharge). It is very contagious.
  2. Bacterial (this causes bilateral “red eye” with lots of muco-purulent discharge). It can be treated with antibiotic drops. It is very contagious.
  3. Atopic (this is related to allergy and presents mostly as itchy eyes and hay fever). It is Not contagious.

Contact lens related red eye

A sore red eye in someone wearing contact lenses may be a potential sight-threatening problem. Please contact us immediately should this occur.

Dry eye

There are many different causes of dry eye. Common causes include dysfunction of the oil secreting glands of the lids, decreased supply of tears from the lacrimal gland due to aging or auto-immune disease or over infestation of naturally occurring skin mites around the eye tissues.

Often taking certain systemic medications can affect the supply of tears as well. Decreased blink rate when reading can also worsen dry eye. Symptoms include dry, burning, sore and sometimes itchy eyes.

At h2 Vision Centres we have IPL device to cure the most common cause of Dry Eye. Please contact one of our friendly staff for more information.

Keratitis and corneal problems

There are three main types of keratitis or inflammation of the cornea (the clear window at the front of the eye):

  1. Viral (this is usually only one eye and can be often caused by the cold-sore virus, Herpes Simplex). It can be treated with anti-viral medications). Some types of adeno-viruses affect both the cornea and conjunctiva – these adeno-viruses are very contagious.
  2. Bacterial (these are usually one eye and can occur in contact lens wearers). A painful infection in one eye should be treated as an emergency. To save sight these infections need rapid diagnosis and treatment. Chloramphenicol drops are not appropriate in a patient with a painful, sore eye. The patient needs immediate attention from an appropriately trained eye care professional. Please contact us without delay if you have a painful, sore eye.
  3. Atopic (this is related to allergy and presents mostly as itchy eyes and hay fever)
  4. Corneal foreign bodies. These should be removed as soon possible to avoid infection and potential loss of sight.
  5. Corneal injury (contact us immediately) it may be treated with medicated drops.


Uveitis is an inflammation (not infection) inside the eye. It sometimes occurs as a result of other inflammation in the body such as lupus, sarcoid, ankylosing spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and so on.

Symptoms often include a deep ache in the affected eye, sensitivity to glare and watering eyes. Treatment involves the use of a long-acting dilating drop and strong anti-inflammatory drops.

In certain cases h2 Vision Centres may order imaging or laboratory tests to see if the uveitis is associated with other systemic disease processes.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetes affects blood vessels of the heart, kidneys, eyes and feet. If there is poor control of the blood sugars, diabetic eye disease can occur. This usually involves leaking blood vessels and can lead to blindness.

Current treatments work well if applied early. They involve retinal laser and painless injections into the eye to stop the formation of new leaky blood vessels.

At h2 Vision Centres we have the experience in the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy contact us today for your consultation.


The eye is like any other organ of the body. It has fluid pumped into it and fluid drained away. (This is NOT referring to the tears which are on the outside of the eye). If the fluid cannot drain away fast enough from the eye (back into the blood stream) then the pressure will build up.

This will damage the nerve at the back of the eye causing a gradual loss of side vision. Interestingly enough, there are no symptoms of glaucoma until much of the vision is lost. Treatment and management of glaucoma is by laser, drops and surgery (often just removing any cataracts can help substantially).

Laser treatments are available at h2 Vision Centres via our ophthalmologist, contact us today.

Macular degeneration

The macula is at the back of the eye. It is responsible for allowing us to see tiny detail like faces and print. Without the macula we wouldn’t be able to drive. Macular degeneration is a breakdown of the macula tissue due to a combination of genetics and aging.

Smoking can increase the risk as well. Unfortunately, dry macular degeneration which makes up 90% of the cases is currently untreatable (except for diet and diet supplements).

Wet (bleeding type) which makes up the other 10% of macular degeneration is treatable with painless injections into the eye. The first signs of distortion in the vision should be treated as an emergency. Please seek our help immediately. We have OCT instruments to detect macular degeneration and our .